NEWS: Fight Night and Program Updates!

Check this.

In January I had 0 members enrolled in the program.

Now on July 14 – will host its first fight night that will have an 8 Man Eliminator Tournament, a 4 Man Eliminator Tournament and additional fights too. All on the same night.

Most gym’s fight nights do not have tournaments.

So for a new program to be running 2 tournaments on the same night with all participants coming from the same gym program – believe me this has never been done before.

I started this program with a $1000 budget and had to create it from literally nothing. I met all participants this year.

I personally built the website, social media channels, video tutorials, designed the promo material and handled its distribution… and finally teaching it. Now setting up the fight night and everything that follows.

Credits to for use of the facility and a good start-up rent deal.

boxing 8 man eliminator tournament

Participants are putting it all on the line in front of friends, family and the world once it gets posted.

Even though I teach everyone in the program I still can’t predict who will win the two tournaments.

boxing 4 man eliminator tournament
boxing auckland fight night card

Tickets to watch are only $20

Or you may pay online $25

Future Plans

I will create a sponsorship program for qualifying athletes training with and representing #Boxing101NZ

Free training, gear and more. It will be hard work to qualify but achievable.

I will also host an additional 2 fight night tournaments a year to create opportunities for all those involved with

This will be in addition to the two ’16 Week Beginners Fight Training Program’ fight nights as part of the twice a year program.

It’s a big teaching system.


Arriving in a few days.

If you would like a shirt, singlet or hoodie you may purchase one to support the program.

You can expect very high quality prints and garments which are from

I’ve just put through a $2417 order so there will be plenty. Hit me up.

I’m testing two types of more expensive quick dry athletic shirts too before ordering more for the program. Double the price but will be a good investment – lasts very long apparently.

Expect to see a lot of progress in this area over the year.

boxing shirts
boxing hoodies

Credits to for the design.

It’s my cousin and his gf website. They are biking around the whole world and started their journey in NZ – while staying here she did the design for me for free.

New Class Structure

Visit to read the difference.

Open Classes are kept at a basic level to allow new members to be introduced slowly and given the opportunity to see how they find it. No sparring in this class. Times may change.

The 16 Week Program offers my best service for those that want to fight.You’re going to get the cream of the crop in the programs classes.

boxing classes timetable

Going forward the ’16 Week Program’ series is for those that want to fight only because that is how you learn – through the experience of fighting.

If you are not prepared to fight, you are not prepared to learn.

Competing inspires others to get active too. A single athlete can reach hundreds and thousands of people.

With this system I aim to eventually develop 100 new athletes per year.

female boxing pad work
new zealand boxing fighter punching the pads

My time is best invested into those that are going to make something of it and can forward the program. You can be 14 or 44 so long as you are prepared to fight.

I tell you this because when I turn people away who do not want to fight they think i’m being ridiculous. Nope.

By designing a program that focuses only on those that want to fight I create a better learning environment for those that do. Casual members detract from the program’s focus and it is time and energy that I could rather be investing into those that are going to make a difference in the world.

Those disinterested in fighting are therefore restricted to open classes.

boxing new zealand sparring

I’m ultimately using boxing as a vehicle to promote health and fitness – when it comes to influencing people to get active boxing does it best.

Ask yourself… if you had a rugby game tomorrow, a soccer or tennis game. Would your friends care? You might get some ‘Likes’ for being physically active…

If they heard you are having a fight… yo… they’ll pay to see that.

Some participants have family members that are getting on a plane to come watch.

boxing youtube tutorials

Boxing / Gym Tutorials

Visit where I share the teaching program curriculum for free.

When the clothes come i’ll be filming many more and better tutorials.

I’ve archived blog posts here:

Social Media


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